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# Race Studies

Critical Race Theory Race and Intelligenc Phrenology Eugenics

The ideas which began in gender division and hierarchy blossom within the racial context. Here our concepts are free to truly serve our biases and desires, especially when racial mixture comes into play.

# It’s real and is comprehensive

  • [ ] Knapsacks and Basket-cases

Two classic materials remain, Unpacking the Knapsack of White Supremacy, as well as professor lady (Oprah, etc)

# Anti-Blackness

  • [ ] Anti-Blackness & Social Responsibility

This is the root of racism, fed by a long history of slavery; which has been supported throughout the decades by dehumanizing portrayals in media and literature.

  • Franz Fanon - Wretched of the Earth

  • James Baldwin

  • Audry Lorde

  • Octavia Butler

  • women writers and authers (Nikki Giovanni)

# Anti-Indigeneity

A corrallary of anti-Blackness, which bred the notion that people can be taken from their land, is that land take be taken by the original stewards of that land.

  • Vine DeLoria Jr Custer Died for Your Sins
  • John Trudell
  • more women ...

# Colorism

Derivative of both the aforementioned topics is how the darkness of one's skin often translates into their perceived value by others.

# Latinidad & Whiteness


Latinidad to Latin America, as whiteness is to "the Global North" ... insulting and inaccurate generalizations that do a disservice to all who might ever rely on such feeble words.

Hybridity & the Cultural Logic of Globalization

# Wrap It Up

  • [ ] Environmental Racism

III. Racism

Definition of racism and its various forms

Racism is a form of prejudice or discrimination based on a person's perceived racial identity. It involves the belief that one race is superior to another, and the use of power and privilege to reinforce that belief. Racism can manifest in many different ways, ranging from overt acts of violence and discrimination to more subtle forms of bias and stereotyping.

One form of racism is individual or interpersonal racism, which involves acts of discrimination or bias committed by individuals against people of different races. This could include acts of hate speech, harassment, or violence.

Another form of racism is systemic or institutional racism, which involves policies, practices, and structures within institutions and society that perpetuate racial inequality. This could include policies that limit access to education or employment opportunities for people of certain races, or practices within the criminal justice system that disproportionately impact people of color.

Cultural racism is another form of racism that involves the perpetuation of racial stereotypes and biases through media, literature, and other forms of cultural expression. This can lead to the normalization of racial stereotypes and contribute to the marginalization and discrimination of people of different races.

Finally, internalized racism is a form of racism that involves the internalization of negative messages about one's own race. This can lead individuals to feel a sense of shame or inferiority based on their racial identity, which can impact their mental health and well-being.

Overall, racism is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves both individual and systemic forms of discrimination and bias. By understanding the various forms of racism and working to challenge them, we can create a more equitable and just society for all people, regardless of their race.

Discussion of how racism impacts individuals and society as a whole

Racism has a profound impact on both individuals and society as a whole. At the individual level, racism can lead to experiences of discrimination, marginalization, and exclusion. This can impact individuals' mental and physical health, as well as their ability to access education, employment, and other opportunities. Racism can also lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and hopelessness, as individuals face barriers and obstacles that are often beyond their control.

At the societal level, racism can perpetuate inequality and lead to the marginalization and exclusion of certain groups of people. This can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including higher rates of poverty, poorer health outcomes, and limited access to resources and opportunities. Racism can also undermine social cohesion and trust, as individuals and communities become divided along racial lines.

Racism also has economic costs for society as a whole. Discrimination in employment and education can limit the potential of individuals and reduce their contribution to the economy. Racism can also lead to higher levels of social unrest and conflict, which can have significant economic costs.

Overall, racism is a pervasive and insidious issue that has profound impacts on both individuals and society as a whole. By understanding the ways in which racism operates and working to challenge it, we can create a more equitable and just society for all people, regardless of their race. This requires a commitment to dismantling the structures and systems that perpetuate racism, as well as addressing the underlying attitudes and beliefs that contribute to it.

Examination of how to recognize and combat racism in personal and professional settings

Recognizing and combatting racism in personal and professional settings is an important step towards creating a more equitable and just society. One of the first steps in recognizing and combating racism is to educate oneself about the ways in which it operates. This involves understanding the various forms of racism, as well as the ways in which it can manifest in personal and professional settings.

Once one has a better understanding of racism, it is important to be able to recognize it when it occurs. This may involve paying attention to the ways in which individuals and groups are treated differently based on their race, or noticing patterns of discrimination or exclusion. It may also involve recognizing one's own biases and prejudices, and being willing to challenge them.

In order to combat racism, it is important to take action when it occurs. This may involve speaking out against racist comments or actions, challenging discriminatory policies or practices, or advocating for change within one's personal or professional spheres of influence. It may also involve supporting individuals or groups who have been impacted by racism, and working to create more inclusive and equitable spaces.

In a professional setting, combating racism may involve taking steps to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and equitably, regardless of their race. This may involve implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives, providing training and education on issues of racism and bias, or creating policies and practices that promote equity and inclusion.

Overall, recognizing and combatting racism in personal and professional settings requires a commitment to ongoing education, self-reflection, and action. By working together to challenge racism, we can create a more equitable and just society for all people, regardless of their race.

Case studies and examples of effective ways to address racism